Good-Bye 2019

I can't believe that this year is already over, it also occurred to me that tonight is the first night in a year that I have logged into this account or even written a blog post.

This has been a major big year of change for our family, and I honestly didn't have time for anything else but adjusting....

It has been a year of growth, change, and working through (and I am continuing) working through the hard stuff, at times it can be so disheartening and just plain sucky, but I am optimistic that our future will not be here forever, and that one day we will be surrounded by true nature and beauty again.

At the beginning of this year Nate resigned from his job as a firefighter because it was no longer serving our family or his physical well-being any more.  It was rough, he was never home, always tired, and it was just not worth it.  Instead he decided to go back to school full time, and serve as the youth pastor at out church.

Before this big change, I had already signed up and paid to go back to school - I figured almost 10 years into motherhood that it was about time that I finish up some school.  The kids are older, a little more self-sufficient and doesn't need me to hover at all times.  So that is what I did - I went back to school, and I finished well.... for once in the last 12 years I did something for myself and it felt amazing.

I also conquered some of my own health issues - and let me just say that it feels freaken amazing to take charge, and make changes, and see the long lasting results - I never ever want to go back to that place....

This year our whole little family made a few sacrifices to make it all happen, and workout. We didn't do a whole lot because we had a big trip planned to South Africa the week after I graduated from school, so we took the rest of the year slow, and mindfully, intentionally picking what was worth our time and what not. 

I think 2020 is going to be a good year - Nate will graduate at the end of this year with his Bachelors, and on to his masters, I am starting my Nutritional Therapy practice, we are hoping to start the slow and steady process of making plans to eventually move to somewhere that will better serve our family's needs, and Ian will be jumping into the double digits - say what!!!

I hardly took any pictures this year, and it has actually been pretty great to just sit back and enjoy every present moment.  One of my goals for 2020 is to do this more, and to have social media free weekends....

I have focused a lot of mindfulness, and it has been so freeing to release that you are not bound by this world, the stuff, or having to keep up with the neighbors.  You can just be you, now, in the moment, no more and no less.

** You can see 2014 here, 2015 here, 2016 here, 2017 here, 2018 here.

Here are a few documented parts of our 2019!

Happy Easter!

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy birthday, Nate!

Happy Father's Day!

First day of school.  (fourth and second grade)

Happy Anniversary {11 years}

Happy birthday, Hayleigh!

Happy Birthday, Chantal!

Happy Birthday, Ian!

Hello South Africa
Cape Town.....

After 40+ years of service, my dad retired from the military - and it was such a beautiful event!

And of course some family time, it was a super short trip... and I miss them already!

Oh, Christmas Tree!

Hello, Santa!

Merry Christmas!

As always I love looking through all our pictures, and thinking about the year and everything that took place, all the stories, some tears and heartache, the happy parts - all of it is woven into our lives - teaching us and training us for what is next.

I am so happy to be done with school, and starting this next chapter of life - more school for Nate, growing my practice, and homeschooling my kids.  With a few adventures in between.

Good-bye 2019 - thank you for showing me that I can!

Hello 2020 - can't wait to see what you behold!

Happy new year from our little family, to yours

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