Ian is EIGHT!

Eight years ago....

Eight years ago on a beautiful fall morning in Germany, I went into labor - knowing that my world is about to change for ever, but not really grasping the magnitude.

Form the moment his sweet little nine pound body slid right out of me, I knew that this is going to be one of my favorite adventures yet.

I felt this indescribable love for him, something that I have not experienced before, and my heart expanded in something so beautiful.

Just like with Hayleigh and my birthdays, we opted our of parties this year, and settled for a little trip.  Those who know Ian well, knows that he has been and still is obsessed with Lego.  So we decided to head to Dallas for a Legoland Discovery Center, and a bunch of other kid friendly activities.

I do love just being the four of us, we don't get a ton of time together so when we do, it is amazing.

Over the last eight years, he has taught me so much about life, contentment, and the simple joys of life.  It is super easy to impress him, and the smallest gestures of love and gratitude, just brings out so much of his joy.

Ian and I are so similar in personalities - he is my more "chill" child, content to play Lego in his room by himself for hours on end, he already knows the value of alone time and filling himself up with simple joys, so that he can be a better human in general.

In our family, Ian and are referred to as the calm ones, and I kind of like that - we don't like drawing to much attention to ourselves, and we like the nerdy stuff - books, quint coffee shops, Lego, video games, and lots of quiet time.

As the boy who made me a mama first, he has taught me more about life and myself for that matter, then I could've ever anticipated.

We had such a great time in Dallas for a few days, and everything worked out so well, all in his favor.  There were never any crowds (this makes us so happy,) we were able to do a ton of fun stuff, and he a double birthday!

We drove to Dallas on his actual birthday, and really just planned to do his birthday the next day, he waited so patiently all day, that by the end of the day he was ready to open gifts, so we let him.

Instead of getting up way to early for the gift opening ceremony -we stayed up late, well ok Nate and Ian stayed up late, because I fell asleep after he opening everything - oops!

** the lighting in our apartment kind of sucked as well.

I love watching my kids open up any kind of gift, because they are always just so excited, and I think it is the cutest thing ever.

And as always all he wanted was Lego to add to his collection.

We had an awesome pancakes breakfast the next morning - one of our all time favorite foods.  Before heading out to Legoland for the day (I will do a post on it later.)

We found this awesome cup-cakery - because lets just face it, no birthday is complete without a cake or cupcakes.  It was so fun to celebrate my sweet little guys, and the absolute joy he is to us all...

In good old Ian fashion, chocolate was the chose one - he is really very similar to me :)  It was delicious.

Every single year I think about it... how was I so lucky to be chosen as your mama?  I still can't fully grasp that we were hand picked to do life together, and I will never take that for granted.

If all the little baby boys of the world was lined up before me, and I had my pick - I would pick Ian over and over again - one billion times.

I look at my Ian, and I think to myself that he is the kindest (I swear his heart is made of gold), sweetest, gentlest, smartest, most forgiving, and coolest little human on the entire planet earth.  I hope and pray that he will always know and remember this, and that no one will ever bring him so down that he looses sight of his amazing qualities.

His pure existence just brings me so much joy and happiness.

Happy birthday Ian Keith! I love you, forever and always!

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