Hayleigh is SIX!

Six years ago...

Six years ago my girl came into this world with a force like no other.  From the moment that we locked eyes for the very first time, I knew that my world was about to become less controllable and more unexpected.

This year we opted out of birthday parties and all the flare and decided to get back to our roots of traveling, so we went on a trip instead.

Just the four of us.

Over the last six years this little girl has taught me more about life and motherhood then any other experience in my life.

To say she is my wild child, is an understatement.  She has (and still is) teaching me how to slow-down and enjoy the finer things in life - you know like flowers, butterflies, and even rainbows.  She has stretched out my soul to places I never wanted to go, but in the end the revelation and healing have been immeasurable.  The joy and (sometimes) frustration she has brought into my life have been invaluable.

She takes me breath away, she knocks down things within me that no one has ever been able to bring to the surface, and I am still so elated (every single day) that I get to journey with her.  That I get to love her.

We had a such a fun time in Arizona on her birthday.

It started with a way early morning (hello two hour time change) in the cabin.  We woke up to a very loud "today is my birthday, today is my birthday!" and we of course had to go with it.

I was able to find room in the car for her gifts, and she of coursed loved opening them.
** the lighting in the cabin wasn't the best ;(

I love watching my kids open gifts (of any kind for any occasion) it never ever gets old to see their faces and their radiating excitement.

She was so excited to finally have a real guitar...

We just made nice old stack of pancakes (her favorite) for breakfast before heading out to explore the beautiful surroundings.

We spend the morning in Williams at Bearizona.

It was such a beautiful afternoon that we decided to head back to the Grand Canyon, for a hike and cupcakes.

We hiked for a little while and then came to this gorgeous spot to celebrate her some more.

 There was a little breeze, so actually lighting the little candle was a little more challenging then one would assume.

But we managed to nestle into a little pathway that was a little more secluded from the wind, and right there in the middle of being surrounded by pure beauty, we sang happy birthday to her, and it was perfect.

I don't know how I ever got so lucky to be her mama, and probably will never know.  It was such a Divine set up, perfectly orchestrated, from being to end.  I hope that she knows that even if there were one million babies around and I had my pick - I would choose her over and over again - one million times.

Happy sixth birthday to my beautiful (and oh so stubborn) Hayleigh Elizabeth.  Your wild adventurous spirit is setting me free myself, and taking me to so many beautiful places.

Always remember that I love you something fierce.


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