Ten Years

It feels like yesterday that I moved to the United States at the sweet age of 18, searching for adventure - and I ended up finding way more then I bargained for.

I met this guy, and I tried really really hard not to like him....  and also because his last name "Cook" and I thought that, that last named seemed as terribly boring as last names could come ;)

But he won me over and here we are all these years later...

Ten years ago...

We said I do in the most beautiful little rock chapel nestled at the foot of beautiful mountains.

📷: All wedding photos by Joan Claasen Photograpy.

Our anniversary was on Sunday (and in good ole EMS life Nate was on shift) so that night after the kids went to bed I pulled out our wedding dvd, with a bowl of my favorite ice-cream. I nestled into my favorite spot on the couch and pressed play - it was actually pretty hilarious a.) because I am so incredibly awkward when having to speak, and spend the majority of the time nervously giggling, b.) Nate was pretty immature and his hand was pretty much on my behind the entire time - ha c.) we were babies with baby faces and all... - we both look so much better with age -ha ;)

I still remember everything for that day...

How proud my dad walked me down the aisle.

The way that Nate looked at me.

How tightly he held my hand as we were coming back out.

It was such a beautiful, were I felt inspired to love even deeper - to have a love so deep that you could almost embrace it and touch. Our love became even more real.

So much has changed since then.... 

My ten minutes of getting ready that really took more like 30 minutes, is finally at about 12 minutes flat - it is a big deal trust me.

Sometimes we still argue about stuff (dumb stuff) but we both end up laughing about how ridiculous it is, and we are way less stubborn towards each other.

We are different in so many ways - but so similar in the things that really matters to us - like love, family, and where we want to be in a few years.

Ten years ago we walked down the skinny aisle in that rock chapel - with so many gigantic dreams - and most of them have come true...

These two...

family, love, healthy, true happiness in our togetherness - we are truly better together then apart.

We continue to dream together.

We know what each other better then we know ourselves, we know what matters the most to each of us, and we invest in that life crazy.

Our adventures are always crazy, with the most amazing stories, beautiful memories, and forever cherished moments.  We have invest a lot of time and effort into traveling and experiences places and cultures - with and without kids.  We have mastered the art of traveling over time, and I have a lot of favorites, but my most cherished?

The two of us, the year 2009.  Italy, 2 weeks, only public transportation, and we like to call it backpacking through Italy - but in reality it was more like wheeling two janky suitcases through the cobbled stone paths of Italy.  We laughed so much, had way to much wine, took so many pictures - but this one is my favorite - because not many people would be willing to take old school (like stretch out your arm with the camera and hope for the best) terrible quality selfies.

 We have improved our travel game quiet a bit since then.

Growing our family  has not stopped of from traveling one bit - our adventures just change, and the wine consumption decreased to accommodate ice cream - but I am so ok with that!

I don't doubt that a few curve balls will be thrown our way in the years to come (hell, we are being thrown with one right now) and I'll never claim to be any expert on any one this, because heaven knows we still have so very much to learn when it comes to married life.  But there is no one else I would rather spend this adventure with.


As we celebrate ten years of being married today, I just want to publicly express my sappy crazy feelings for my favorite man crush, because I still think he is super awesome, and I absolutely love being married to him, and I also kind of sort of love that my last name is "Cook" now, which my eighteen year old self would be shocked at.

The things is 

I like and love him - alot!

I think I'll keep him!

Happy ten years Nate, thank you for adventuring through life with me.  Being married to you is the single greatest joy of my life.

The ten happiest years of my life - hands down.

And here is too many more.

I love you something fierce!
