Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and it is one of my favorite times of the year.  I love how cozy Christmas time is, with so many twinkly lights everywhere.

Over the last couple of years, I have been getting more and more intentional to say not the holiday hustle, and all the expectations.  It has been so freeing to just to do the things/activities that bring us joy, clarity, and memories.

We have been spending our days cozy-ing up after school in the mornings watching very lame Christmas movies, reading all the Christmas stories, drinking hot chocolate for days, and maybe eating a few to many chocolate Santas.

This year we actually started to set up the tree (same old eleven year old tree, that Nate and I bought when we first got married) the same one that our dogs chewed up at one point, so the back of the tree was always shoved into a corner to hide the damage.  Anyways as we start to set it up we realized that a.) Ian is almost as tall as the tree, b.) it is super sad looking tree, and c.) some of the back branches were starting to come loose.  So we decided to just decorate the rest of the house that night, and then to go buy a new tree.  I am so happy we did, because I love love love it.

It is also so much fun now that the kids are older (I know I say it every year) but they are able to do so much more without help or intervention, and I love that.  I love that we can all hang a few things on the tree, I can snap a few pictures, and then I can just sit back on the couch and take in the beautiful magic unfolding right before my eyes.

The kids have been waiting and talking about Christmas since September 11th, the day after Ian's birthday - ha! Remembering all of our favorite traditions, and things we do together.  As they named their favorites, it occurred to me, why did I always add so much to our plates - like baking Christmas cookies (when truly none of us really fully enjoy it - it was kind of just a check in the box) and a whole string of other things.  So this year, I took note of the things that they mentioned and decided that is brilliant that is what we will do this year - less is more.  Having those cozy moments at home, is so much more life giving then the busy-ness of the season.

The kids also scored this year, since we had two separate set up days - we did our little donuts and hot chocolate tradition twice, and of course no one complained one little bit.

With all the tasty treats, our fake fire place, and Christmas music in the background it was a perfect little afternoon soaking in all the joy of this season.


I love sitting back and just watching them, and listening to them chat with each other - laughing so much.  I think this year I am also finally getting rid of my glass balls, because They haven't made it on the tree for the last eight years, and I truly love all the kid friendly (lots of handmade) ornaments that I have been collecting for years now - lots from the Christmas markets in Germany and others from stores.

It makes it so much more fun when it is a kid tree.

Her turn to put the star on the tree - she was not impressed - lol!

I have still lagged in my dated ornament game - and have decided that I am ok with that, because clearly it was never really that important to me if I keep forgetting about it - going on three years.

I miss Christmas time in Germany so so much - it is the most magical experience on this earth - I can still vividly remember the most gorgeous winter smells, tastes, and sights.  Oh, and don't even get me started on all the Christmas markets.

It has been so fun to deck out the house (I got a ton of cool sales prices last year, on some Christmas decor) and so we decided to stock up for this year, and well it paid off.   Basically my work here is done - our only obligation now is to enjoy it all.

We will continue to approach this season with a mindful living approach, even it is against the cultural standards - I don't give one ounce anymore.  Since moving back to West Texas the thought of what everyone thought about us was paralyzing - not anymore - it is not worth it, and they are not worth it.  The people who truly knows us, and loves us, even if we go against the grain - is totally worth  my time.

Every year I go back and look at all photos of when we first started to decorate for Christmas with Ian, and man have they both grown so much - two more years and we will be approaching double digits.

I am so excited to just back, and enjoy this time with my three greatest blessings in this life.

Look how grown they look ;(

Happy Christmas time, from our family to yours.

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