Dallas: Dallas World Aquarium {and a super quick stop over with cousins}

Our last day in Dallas was a chill and rainy one.  We actually lounged around in our hotel suite all morning (we generally don't do this) and we had leftover Thai food from dinner for breakfast - the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever.

We spend the rest if our morning at the Dallas World Aquarium.  It is really nice, but I wouldn't go to Dallas just for this (like I would go to Atlanta just for the aquarium.)

They had a variety of animals, reptiles, frogs, birds, fish, and plants - so it my opinion it was more like a zoo.

It is very well presented for being completely indoors.

  The sloth was a total hit, and a favorite among all of us.

The kids loved all the tanks, we did think it would be more of an aquarium, with a bigger variety of fish and so on.  What they were still very interesting though.

  It doesn't take a long time to make it through the aquarium.  A couple of hours is more then enough.


We headed out to spend the night with Nate's sister and her family, who lives about an hour from Dallas.  It was just a super quick stop over for the afternoon/evening, and a couple of house in the morning.

It was suppose to rain, but the weather was gracious, so the kids were able to enjoy some lake activities.

They enjoyed it.

  This puppy is seriously the cutest.  I love her energy, and she is so friendly, and fluffy ;)

 The next morning before we headed home, Roger let the kids drive the boat, and they thought it was the coolest thing ever.  They did so well, and he was so sweet and patient with them.

We had a lovely time, and well the sunset was epic (and from all the pictures that my sister-in-law shares) it looks like there is never a non epic sunset.

 We had a nice couple of weeks, during our school break.

We started school back up this week (1st & 3rd grade) and most our travel will probably stop for a little while as we settle into a new school year.

I am so thankful for these last few weeks of family time and adventure.

Happy Sunday!

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