Happy Father's Day

I have had a Father's day post together but was unable to post it on our trip, and we were cruising in the Mediterranean on Father's day.

So better late than never!


I wish I could find the right words the exact words to describe the kind of father Nate is.  To describe how tender his heart is to the little beings he created.  I wish I could describe what it is like to witness of this love for these two little souls.

Trying to start this post has me in somewhat a mess, because speaking of Nate as a daddy is a language and a thing all of it's own.  It is beautiful and wonderful.  It's like everything thing within him, every single cell in his body has been blessed with the daddy gene - he knows everything instinctively - how to hold or cradle a baby, how to cure and adjust an attitude, how to sooth fevers and mend broken hearts, how to reason patiently, and how to cradle a newborn in his special nook to fall a sleep peacefully.

Before I completely fell in love with him, before we held hands and share happy tears in the hospital when our beautiful babies entered this world, I watched him with Dylan (the baby boy I was a nanny for in Utah.) And I saw something then.  I knew he was made to be a daddy.

And the two luckiest souls who calls him daddy, knows it.

The moment I found out that Ian was on his way, I discovered a new kind of magic - I knew kind of deeper love shared with the soul I choice to spend my life with, the kinds of love that makes your heart expand with so much joy you think it is going to burst.  The kind of love you feel when you watch him a couple of hours navigating through the crib instructions to put together a crib for his son.  The kinds of love that rips your heart apart when life throws you a curve ball, and you don't question for a minute how is going to respond, because you know.  Deep down in your heart no matter what, he is here for the long run.  His beautiful daddy heart with stretch deeper and stronger.

Happy Father's Day my love,   I love you for the amazing father you are, and for they amazing father I know you are going to be in coming years.

I love you for how much you love and value family.  For how much we have to push you for doing something nice for yourself, and when you agree I know all you want is to spoil us instead.  I love you for our lazy days, filled with lame TV shows (like the Duggars), with buttered popcorn.  I love how you encourage mama days for me, to get myself together again.  I love they way I catch you telling the kids you love them , and then they way your face beans when they say it back.

Thank you for giving me two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.  I dreamed of being a mother for a long time - and because of you it is so much more beautiful.  I seldom worry about who they will become, because you are always there helping me mold and shape them with so much love.  I know they will be ok.

I love the parenthood journey, and I love it more because you are on it with me.  I love it because I get to spend it with you.  Your were born to be a daddy, and you are amazingly good at it.  I will always be astonished at how much you love, and I can't wait for the day our kids tell you how much you mean to them.  How much this beautiful life of love with be a legacy to them, and shape them into wonderful adults I know they will be come.

Happy Father's day Nate!

And to my own dad, thank you for everything you have been.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for showing me what a real man, husband, and father should be like.  Thank you for be a great example.  Thank you for opening the car door for me since I was a little girl - that stuck with me!  You have been there whenever I needed you, and for that I am so very grateful.  I love you so, so very much!  Happy Father's day, dad!!

Happy Father's day to my father-in-law - we love!!

And happy Father's day to all the incredible dads out there, I hope you all have a shiny new toolbox, and soap-on-rope kind of day!

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